This is going
to be a lengthy post. But it’s an explosive one. I think I have figured out
what Q means by “FISA = start”.
And this post.
Let’s start with the latter. Trump was friends with JFK Jr. I will not speculate about whether JFK Jr. faked his own death and may still be alive until I have more concrete information that this is indeed the case. That’s not what this post is about.
What is interesting is that the years 1999 and 2000 are mentioned. JFK Jr. officially died in a plane crash in 1999. Prior to this, he announced he would be running for the Senate. Had JFK Jr. been able to do so, he would have beaten his rival for the Senate seat, Hillary, hands down, he was that popular. It could be argued that certain parties benefited from his demise. It gave Hillary the Senate seat and we all know how she was groomed by the Deep State to succeed Hussein as POTUS to complete the 16 year plan to destroy America in 2016, had it not been for Trump interfering with this diabolical plan.
There is also
evidence which points to Bush Jr. being behind the JFK Jr. plane crash. I urge you
to watch Dark Legacy II, which puts forward very convincing proof to support
I don’t know
how long this doc will be up on YouTube, so here’s another link where you can
watch it for free.
What other events were significant in 2000? For one thing, George W. Bush ‘won’ the presidency in 2000 through voter fraud. An interesting publication in that same year (September 2000) by a ‘think tank’ called Project for a New American Century (PNAC) was “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”. In this paper, “a new Pearl Harbor” was deemed necessary for the American public to accept the plans the signees had for the military-industrial complex to establish global dominance. Guess who were among the signees of this document? None other than Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, who became prominent members of the Bush administration, as well as Jeb Bush, Dubya’s brother.
What was the defining moment of Bush’s presidency? 9/11, of course. This was the “new Pearl Harbor” called for in the PNAC paper. And how interesting is it that Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz played leading roles in this world-changing event. There are multiple layers to 9/11, which I will get to later, but one of the lesser known ones is its distraction from the Enron scandal, which became public in October 2001 but was completely eclipsed by 9/11.
Enron was an
energy company – the subject of energy will become more relevant as this thread
progresses. Enron’s CEO Ken Lay was one of the major donors behind Dubya’s
ascension to the presidency. Bush repaid the favor by appointing Lay to his
Energy Department Transition Team. Serious conflicts of interest existed
between Enron and the Bush White House, and as more and more contracts between
the two parties were unearthed, Bush’s position started becoming untenable. For
example, there were contracts with Dick Cheney, who also headed up an energy
company (Halliburton), as well as with other key figures in the Bush
administration. Prior to 9/11, Bush was not a popular political figure, Many
Americans didn’t like the way Bush had made it to the Oval Office and the
ever-growing Enron scandal certainly didn’t add to his popularity.
But then 9/11
happened. According to the official story, America was under attack and the
American people rallied behind their president. First war was declared against
Afghanistan, then Iraq. And what was one of the companies hired to rebuild
Iraq? Dick Cheney’s Halliburton. The list of companies involved in both the
destruction and reconstruction of Iraq reads like a who’s who of
military-industrial complex contractors. This includes even the Bin Ladens.
Although the
general public bought the 9/11 narrative hook, line and sinker, there were a
few people that didn’t, some of whom even predicted this event. One of these
was Bill Cooper, author of “Behold a Pale Horse” (as quoted by Q), who was shot
and killed by feds in November 2001. Cooper predicted 9/11 on June 28, 2001.
His main rival was Alex Jones, who predicted 9/11 on July 25, 2001. Cooper and
Jones were sworn enemies. Q later identified Bill Cooper as being the real
thing and described Alex Jones as an “actor”. This, too, will become relevant.
Another person who did not buy the 9/11 story either was Dr. Judy Wood, a physics professor at Clemson University, South Carolina. She carefully studied the images of the Twin Towers coming down and concluded that the official story of the towers collapsing was not correct. The 9/11 ‘truth movement’, led by Alex Jones, also went with a purported ‘collapse’. Pretty soon, the narrative of “bombs in the building” and “controlled demolition” became the dominant narrative among ’911 truthers’.
But Judy Wood
wasn’t having this either. The ego-driven ‘truthers’ did not take kindly to
Wood disproving their theories based on forensic evidence and successfully
managed to drive her out of the movement. Back then, without Alex Jones
providing you a platform, you simply couldn’t get your voice heard to a large
audience, and so Dr. Wood got sidetracked. This begs the question whether the
‘truth’ movement was co-opted and maybe still is, which we now know it was (and
is), as per Q (“Be careful who you follow”).
So what was so
dangerous about Judy Wood’s work? Well, she found that upon close examination
the towers had not collapsed but “dustified”, as she called it, in mid-air. Hence
the lack of debris and the preponderance of dust across the whole of lower
Manhattan. Firefighters trapped in Stairwell B of the North Tower miraculously
managed to survive, even though theoretically 110 floors should have crashed
down on them. Instead, when the dusty haze had cleared, they saw sunshine and a
clear blue sky and walked out by themselves. Two 500,000 ton buildings made out
of concrete and steel would have also produced a very loud thud, which would
have been felt throughout the earth, much like an earthquake. Yet seismic data
registered only very superficial surface waves.
So what about
the bombs and the thermite? Ever seen someone welding? What do you notice?
Sparks and a blinding, bright light dangerous enough to cause welders to wear
protective masks and glasses. The towers would have lit up like firecrackers and
blinded everyone looking up at them as they came down. With regard to bombs, in
the words of Dr. Wood: “Bombs go BOOM, but not everything that goes BOOM is a
bomb.” It’s possible gas or water systems exploded, which were on each
floor. I’ll get into more of Judy Wood’s
findings later. The main thing to take away for now is that the popular phrase
“the towers collapsed at free-fall speed” among alternative researchers
automatically implies that the towers collapsed or fell. According to Judy Wood’s
calculations, if bombs had brought down the towers they would not have come
down in less than 10 seconds but would have taken at least a minute to reach
ground level and would have produced dust after the fact, not before it in mid-air.
Judy Wood
collected as much data as she could find from various sources. Next to video
and photo images, she found seismic data, air measurements and even
meteorological information. In 2010, she presented her independent forensic
research in her book “Where Did the Towers Go?”. According to Dr. Wood, the
logical fallacy of people in the ‘truth’ movement is that they start with the
‘how’ (theory) instead of the ‘what’ (facts). One must first establish what
happened before attempting to hypothesize how it happened. Only after that the
‘who’ and ‘why’ can be answered.
Dr. Wood sued
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) in 2007 for practicing
fraudulent science in the official government ‘report’ on the events of 9/11.
As part of her lawsuit, she discovered that several government companies
connected to directed energy weapons technology were involved with NIST’s
research. Unfortunately, corrupt judges dismissed Judy’s findings and her
petition to the Supreme Court was denied in 2009.
That brings me
to the how. Judy Wood looked at all the existing alternative theories on what
happened that fateful day in 2001. None of them stack up to all of the evidence
she collected. For example, the theory of ‘mini nukes’ was based on the fact
that excessive amounts of a radioactive isotope called tritium were discovered
in the air. Yet Judy Wood’s research proves that another type of nuclear
reaction must have occurred, something which produces large amounts of kinetic
energy yet doesn’t burn anything in its path, but which is material-specific
and does not produce harmful radiation. If mini nukes had been used on 9/11,
the radiation would have been measured on site and even in remote parts of the
world (think Chernobyl).
The closest
thing we know to this technology is microwave technology. For example, paper
wasn’t burned on 9/11. Ever try putting paper in your microwave? It doesn't catch fire. Note that I
don't use the word 'burn' because that would imply a kinetic heat source like
fire, as with a gas stove. Microwaved metal, however, is another matter.
Try putting a metal spoon or fork in your microwave, you’ll see sparks and
flashes everywhere.
So if we know
microwaves are material specific, why is it so difficult to imagine a scaled-up
version of this technology being used on that day? It certainly explains all
the unexplained and unusual phenomena witnessed on 9/11, such as “toasted
cars”, anti-gravity events, curled-up metal beams and, of course,
“dustification”. What reacts very
well to microwave radiation and comprises its main function as a kitchen
appliance? Water. Food gets heated by exciting water molecules very quickly and
efficiently. Why were there literally hundreds of jumpers on 9/11? Why did some
of them remove clothing items while hanging from the facades of the buildings?
Were they being cooked from within? Remember, the human body is at least 70%
What’s also
interesting is that these phenomena, including even the dustification, have
been observed naturally during hurricanes. In a radio interview, Judy Wood
describes how a house was sliced in half as a result of a massive tornado in
Topeka, Kansas in 1966. Half of the house had completely disappeared, yet the
other half was untouched and intact. Strange fusions of metals have also been
observed during hurricanes, such as wood and steel. We all know how the funnel
has anti-gravity properties, something which was also seen during 9/11 with
cars and even people. And did you know there was a very much underreported hurricane
named Erin just off the coast of Manhattan on the actual day? It turned back
out into sea after the event. Clearly, this energy is capable of manipulating
or even creating hurricanes.
All of the
above phenomena have been produced by Canadian amateur researcher John
Hutchison, who was successfully able to reproduce Nikola Tesla’s experiments.
Hence, Judy Wood speaks of the “Hutchison effect”. This technology is also
capable of disintegrating matter, such as concrete and steel – and even people. Tesla warned about this as far back
as 1926. He also warned that the weaponization of this technology would be
highly destructive, even disastrous.
The problem
with alternative researchers, Judy noted, is the same as with regular researchers:
they tend to formulate a how (theory) without first looking at the what (facts)
and as a result they fix the facts around the theory, not vice versa. To err is
human, but Dr. Wood discovered there were deliberate gatekeepers in the ‘truth
movement’, most notably Steven Jones. She found out that Steven Jones was also
involved in the rise and fall of electrochemists Alexander Pons and Martin
Fleischmann, who shook the world in March, 1999, with a press conference in
which they announced a new, clean form of energy.
Pons and
Fleischmann had been doing experiments using deuterium, an element of hydrogen,
in ocean water, which was then transmuted into tritium. They concluded that the
deuterium in one square mile of ocean water was enough to produce more energy
than all of the earth’s oil, coal and gas combined and that one thumbprint’s
worth is enough to power the city of Los Angeles. The process is surprisingly
easy to execute, costs next to nothing and although no explosive energy (heat)
is used, one unit produces 1,000 units of excess kinetic energy (heat without
fire) and no waste, pollution or harmful radiation. They dubbed it Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), referring to the fact
that zero kinetic energy (heat) is necessary to produce high amounts of kinetic
energy as a result of an alchemical reaction (transmutation) and not fusion,
i.e. no collision of particles to produce energy.
Steven Jones
had connections with the US Energy Department, who alerted him to the work done
by Pons and Fleischmann at the University of Utah. Jones, who taught at the
competing Brigham Young University in Utah, managed to put pressure on the
University of Utah by threatening to hold a press conference himself. Utah
University then pressured Pons and Fleischmann to hold a presser prematurely, as
they were afraid they would otherwise not be able to patent this technology.
Pons and Fleischmann objected, for they knew only the what and not the how and
had not yet been able to publish their findings in peer-reviewed scientific
journals, but they eventually caved to the demands of their supervisors. Steven
Jones then headed up a panel of ‘experts’ and proceeded to – get this – vote to
destroy the careers of Pons and Fleischmann by a show of hands. The media and
the entire ‘scientific’ community did the rest. Pons and Fleischmann were
labeled scientific frauds and haven’t recovered from the damage done to their
reputations and careers since.
Dr. Wood theorizes
that it is this type of free energy that was weaponized and used on 9/11. To
this day the actual body of her work has not been refuted. And isn’t it
interesting that each time free energy gets mentioned in a serious context
Steven Jones pops up and wrecks these people’s reputations and careers? When
there are no arguments with which to crush your opponent, there remains only
character assassination.
There are
serious indications that DEWs have been used in Paradise, California and, more
recently, in Lahaina, Hawaii, so now would be the time for Dr. Wood to come
out, as she has been fully vindicated now that DEWs are a household term among
alternative researchers. So why haven’t we heard from her? Was she threatened?
Or did the white hats contact her and is she now protected? Ever wonder why
when Q first posted on 4chan the posts were signed with “Q clearance patriot”?
Anons soon found out that Q clearance is access to all 17 levels of
intelligence at the Department of Energy. Energy, you say? But what on earth
does the military have to do with the Energy Department? A lot, when you
consider that directed energy weapons (DEWs) have been in use since 9/11. The
militarization of free energy is the military’s business, wouldn’t you say? Us
anons have been too busy connecting military intelligence to the NSA, but
energy is military intelligence too – in fact, it’s the most sophisticated
weapon there is.
Now do you
understand why 2000 was “the start”? This technology has the potential of
destroying the entire planet – or saving it, when used with moral intentions.
There is no doubt in my mind that as part of the Q op humanity will have access
to free energy. This will have vast implications for all of us, on all levels
of society and civilization. It will break the power of the Deep State for good.
There’s a common wisdom among us truth seekers that once the central banking
system falls the backbone of the powers-that-be will be broken. I submit to you
that not the money but the energy is [THEIR] Achilles’ heel.
Think about it,
what is [THEIR] ‘solution’ to ‘climate change’? You guessed it, wind turbines
and solar panels. Energy. And how did the Rockefellers make their fortune over
a century ago? Oil. Energy. They managed to convince the world that oil, coal
and gas are ‘fossil fuels’. In reality, oil is not dead plant and dinosaur
matter but is produced in infinite amounts underneath the earth’s crust, the
term is ‘abiotic’. Artificial scarcity of energy which [THEY] can then meter is
[THEIR] model. Control the energy and you control the people. In addition to
being artificially expensive, [THEIR] form of energy is inefficient, wasteful and very taxing on the environment.
The Deep State has been deeply invested in energy for at least
100 years. Probably much longer than that. According to Judy Wood, electricity
was invented as far back as 600 BC, yet we are to believe electricity wasn't
invented until the1830s.You mean to tell me we waited 2400 years for
electricity to become part of human civilization again? Or was it successfully
suppressed by evil forces to turn back mankind’s evolutionary clock?
Nikola Tesla
knew. After being betrayed by JP Morgan, one of the founders of the Federal
Reserve, Tesla befriended none other than John Trump. Donald’s uncle. What if
Tesla’s secrets have been in the Trump lineage ever since Tesla’s passing in
1943? Remember when Elon Musk shot a Tesla into orbit in 2018? Tesla in space.
Now think Space Force and Starlink. Could it be that Trump and the patriots
will make free energy available from space across the entire planet? Is this is
what is meant by this Q post?
So how does
FISA = start? Our best guess has always been that as soon as the truth about
the illegal FISA warrants became known, the military would start making arrests
on charges of treason and sedition. But then the Durham report came out in
March of this year, completely exonerating Trump of any and all ‘Russian
collusion’, as well as telling the truth about Crossfire Hurricane and other
illegal ops to frame Trump, paid for by Hillary. And guess what? Nothing
happened. I put to you that “FISA = start” is about 9/11. After 9/11, both the
FISA courts and the Patriot Act were introduced. The Patriot Act makes it
possible to designate any American citizen a potential ‘terrorist’ or
‘extremist’ and violate habeas corpus by suspending their due process rights.
January 6, anyone? The FISC made it possible to spy on American citizens and
even used foreign intelligence services to bypass American privacy laws. That’s
what [THEY] did to Trump.
Are you
starting to see now how the last 23 years have been the start of a global
operation to weaponize energy and justice? Do you also see how Hillary was
groomed in the last 23 years to become president and destroy the US through a
world war using nuclear energy? If [THEY] had atom bombs at the end of WW2, how
long have [THEY] had the technology that was used on 9/11? Think of how satanic
it is to use the very building blocks of life in order to destroy it. [THEY]
were after Tesla even before WW2, so my guess is this must have been in [THEIR]
possession for decades. Trump and the patriots know this and they will give
this back to We The People. Only if our energy is free can we be truly free.
This is the “brave new world” Q is talking about.
Let’s go back
to 9/11 one last time. Listen to what Trump had to say about 9/11.
Yes, Trump did
mention bombs. But what if people weren’t ready yet to accept other
inconvenient truths and Trump knew this?
And who was the
mayor of NYC and is Trump’s most prominent lawyer today?
Imagine being mayor of a city under attack by an as yet
unknown weapon and knowing who was behind this but not being able to talk about
it, because the timing wasn't right and the Deep State had to believe [THEY]
were in control. Yet thousands of innocent citizens tragically died during this
horrific attack. Military planning (and discipline) at its finest. Those who know
cannot sleep.
This is also a
major ‘coincidence’, don’t you think?
While the black hats were busy grooming Hussein and HRC, the white hats were grooming Trump. During all this time, Trump was an actor, a spy, but above all a soldier. Why do you think his father Fred sent him to the military in his teens? This operation is probably much older than the past 23 years, but the start of the new millennium did signal the start of a 25-year operation which by all accounts will be finished in 2025.
Watch Judy Wood’s presentation here. It will change your life forever.
Here’s her
Buy her book
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